Medicare Creates New $15 Billion Market for Previously Non-Reimbursed Exoskeleton Technologies; Microcap Companies Ekso Bionics and ReWalk Robotics Could Be the Biggest Beneficiaries
11-6-23 (by: Scott Gleason) In a game changing move for exoskeleton manufacturers, Medicare has created a significant market for human exoskeleton devices after reclassifying their reimbursement under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Calendar Year 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System Final Rule which was issued last week. The change adds the inclusion of exoskeletons in the Medicare brace benefit category and will now provide reimbursement for the technologies beginning January 1, 2024. Previously these devices were largely paid for by patient payment severely limiting their adoption given their high sticker prices ($80,000+).
The companies most . . .
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